Donations to the Community

HADA team members dedicated in serving communities through covid-19 prevention materials donated by UNHCR through Plan International.HADA\’s founding member Juliette recently reached out to members of the small Soppo community distributing cartoons Unilever soaps. This activity falls in line with our objective to ensure access to good Health and Sanitation services to women and girls living in vulnerable communities in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. These cartons of soap were donated to us by UNHCR through Plan Cameroon to meet the needs of members of our community who have been affected by armed conflict and the covid-19 pandemic.Our team is determined in ensuring that every woman everywhere live better lives in all dignity and free from violence and the covid-19 pandemic.Women’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL) International Civil Society Action Network We Build Peace, Piece by Piece. #SheBuildsPeace#StandWithWomenPeaceBuilders#UNHCR#PlanInternationalWomen’s Alliance for Security Leadership (WASL)International Civil Society Action NetworkGlobal Fund for WomenHigh Commission of Canada to CameroonUK in CameroonMINREX, Ministère des Relations Extérieures du Cameroun

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